3 days in snowy Prague: cold but beautiful!

After a 4-hour train from Berlin, we arrived in Prague in the morning. Our hotel room was very well decorated and quite big. It was a very nice hotel and not that expensive. Thanks Tripadvisor for the good find!

Hotel Mucha, ~35€/night, very nice buffet breakfast included.

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As in Berlin, it was very cold as you can see in the pictures! Even the statues have runny noses. ^^


It’s a very beautiful city and full of weird things like creepy baby statues, a funny sign about a famous french avenue,  a very well known jewish cemetery and a kid with a golden jewel 🙂


 This is a very cute and beautiful city difficult to catch on photo because of the weather. I think it would be nice to go again but during summer to see the difference…

Below is a picture of the view from the hotel room in the first morning, after it had snowed during the night.

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We had our last diner in the restaurant of the hotel which was surprisingly huge, good and very cheap! you can see the happy face of Raphael even if the weather was kind of bad when we were there.


I think the best way to visit Prague is to get lost in it. There isn’t much that much to do, but a lot to see.

The short URL of the present article is: https://wp.me/s5D12R-prague


  1. Maman

    Raymond, tu as un manteau et un bonnet..???..

  2. Marion

    Super ! Des Photos de plats typiques ! Merci !

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